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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 Subdivision Total Avg Price Avg Days on Market A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 north charleston - accabee 2479,00041 north charleston - aichele terrace 1340,00041 charleston - ainsdale at shadowmoss plantation 1650,000132 charleston - air harbor 3553,00041 north charleston - amberwood 1370,00082 charleston - anson mews 11,125,00058 charleston - ansonborough 242,848,54299 north charleston - appian landing 3371,667112 charleston - arboretum 2277,40029 charleston - archdale 1925,000108 north charleston - archdale 6404,33379 charleston - ardmore 2329,00089 charleston - ashland plantation 21,139,500102 charleston - ashley forest 4667,250118 charleston - ashley hall manor 5562,74037 charleston - ashley hall plantation 2774,95039 charleston - ashley harbor 1825,00040 north charleston - ashley heights 1255,50069 charleston - ashley house 8378,613129 charleston - ashley park 5400,38064 north charleston - ashley river commons 2300,00013 north charleston - ashley villas 2230,00050 charleston - ashley walk townes 1417,410106 charleston - ashleytowne village 4249,25093 charleston - ashleyville 1399,00049 charleston - avenue of oaks 21,017,50079 charleston - avondale 4707,00095 B charleston - baker plantation 2405,00053 north charleston - baker plantation 6371,917112 north charleston - bakers landing 1765,00069 charleston - barfield park 11,300,00092 charleston - bayfront 31,054,000156 charleston - bayview farms 3656,66740 charleston - beauregard house 2679,000193 charleston - bee street lofts 7607,857151 charleston - bel air 2382,50064 charleston - bennetts bluff 41,253,950260 charleston - beresford commons 2341,95042 charleston - beresford creek landing 51,371,960145 charleston - beresford hall 42,568,725299 charleston - bermuda pointe towns 12336,567212 north charleston - blackwell terrace 4388,00029 charleston - bolton 1299,000132 charleston - boltons landing 2440,00044 north charleston - bon aire 1289,900132 charleston - bowen island 1789,000960 north charleston - brentwood 4228,00092 charleston - bruno acres 1435,00048 north charleston - buckfield 149,50096 charleston - byrnes downs 21,407,02594 C charleston - cain crossing 1410,0000 charleston - cainhoy landing 12,750,0001 charleston - cainhoy village 1320,00037 charleston - camp road estates 1895,00037 charleston - cannonborough 2725,000111 charleston - cannonborough-elliotborough 352,068,223227 charleston - capri isle 11,500,00040 charleston - capri isles 21,567,00044 north charleston - cardinal heights 1259,000166 charleston - carolina bay 24592,71165 charleston - carolina terrace 1659,000196 charleston - castlewood 1395,00068 north charleston - cedar grove 2479,95038 charleston - centerville 2475,000170 north charleston - charleston farms 5398,378177 north charleston - charleston park 3291,30085 charleston - charlestowne est 2554,500150 charleston - charlestowne estates i 1725,00019 charleston - cherokee hall 4191,250473 north charleston - cherokee place 2599,50062 north charleston - chicora place 5431,980147 charleston - church creek 3354,967120 charleston - citadel woods 2457,50031 charleston - city of charleston 231,970,426169 charleston - clarks point 1690,00028 charleston - clarks sound 1315,000132 charleston - cloudbreak court 1925,00029 charleston - codners ferry park 11,325,00012 charleston - college heights 1250,000199 north charleston - collins park villas 1200,000154 north charleston - colony north 1329,900142 north charleston - colony north ii 1375,000144 charleston - concord west of the ashley 9355,61156 north charleston - cooper river townes 3449,990258 north charleston - coosaw commons 6252,167133 charleston - coosaw creek country club 2741,45084 north charleston - coosaw creek country club 8674,834104 north charleston - courtland square 1168,000247 charleston - creek point 2464,50071 charleston - creeks edge 2800,00038 north charleston - crescent view 11,100,00015 charleston - croghan landing 21,034,500125 north charleston - crossgate 2209,000132 D charleston - daniel island 361,908,648104 charleston - daniel island park 83,059,750227 charleston - daniel island smythe park 61,799,000105 charleston - daniels landing 1399,500152 north charleston - deer park 11317,409150 charleston - dellwood 2782,50026 charleston - dockside 12865,917207 charleston - dogwood commons 1499,000110 charleston - dorchester manor 1250,00032 north charleston - dorchester manor 1425,0003 north charleston - dorchester terrace 17285,26667 charleston - douglas jones 2975,00085 charleston - dove run 2304,45042 charleston - dovefield 1205,00062 charleston - downtown 111,546,273128 charleston - drayton on the ashley 3566,50065 north charleston - dry dock village 2473,000315 E charleston - east oak forest 4673,22583 charleston - east oak forest ext 1425,000264 charleston - eastside 13946,74368 charleston - eastwood 12,975,00079 charleston - edgewood 1595,00041 north charleston - edgewood 1610,00013 charleston - elliotborough 101,912,20059 charleston - elliottborough 31,216,633121 north charleston - elms of charleston 4304,10066 charleston - essex village 1435,000233 charleston - est rosa burnham 1399,99953 north charleston - evanston estates 2555,00047 F charleston - factors walk 13,950,00083 charleston - farmington 1749,00090 north charleston - ferndale 6170,250505 north charleston - fetteressa 12,400,000262 north charleston - fireside 1219,9006 charleston - fleming park 2804,50060 charleston - forest acres 2600,00090 north charleston - forest hills 10306,18067 charleston - forest lakes 3614,33335 charleston - fort johnson estates 31,219,467124 charleston - fort lamar 21,142,00080 charleston - fort sumter house 1615,00078 charleston - french quarter 122,989,000129 charleston - ft lamar 2847,000117 G charleston - gadsdenboro 4832,25066 charleston - garden hill 11,410,00056 charleston - geddes hall 3664,33361 charleston - general lee 1365,000132 north charleston - glyn terrace 3291,50070 charleston - goat island 1335,000104 charleston - governors cay 3585,50023 charleston - grand bees 5527,78059 charleston - grand oaks plantation 15428,02746 charleston - grand terrace 1500,00039 charleston - grantville 1799,00027 charleston - green acres 3633,33332 north charleston - green bay meadows 2289,000119 north charleston - green grove 1179,00030 charleston - greencrest 1320,000132 charleston - greenhill 1530,00082 charleston - greenwood park 2420,0004 H charleston - hampton park terrace 21,422,50073 north charleston - happy hill 2332,25049 charleston - harbor place 1649,900140 charleston - harbor woods 1765,0002 charleston - harleston village 232,287,630223 charleston - harrison acres 1775,00077 charleston - heathwood 2580,00041 charleston - heathwood villas 1400,0005 charleston - hickory hill plantation 1649,0001 charleston - hillsboro 2275,00043 north charleston - home park 1160,000149 north charleston - horizon village 2412,00038 north charleston - howard heights 1299,9990 north charleston - hunley waters 1625,00098 charleston - hunt club 4625,00072 charleston - hunt club phase ii 2628,95096 charleston - huntington woods 11,988,00097 I charleston - indigo fields 2337,000134 north charleston - indigo fields 3482,667165 north charleston - indigo palms 1450,00033 north charleston - indigo ridge 1285,00034 charleston - isle de nemours 31,303,333282 J charleston - james island 3686,633111 charleston - jamestown estates 2491,50075 north charleston - jericho on the ashley 16,000510 L north charleston - lake palmetto 3356,63345 charleston - lakeside 1410,00061 north charleston - lambs 11,699,00063 charleston - landings at sweetwater 1849,990202 charleston - landsdowne 1399,9005 charleston - lantana 1489,00065 charleston - laurel oak 2599,500130 charleston - laurel park 2652,450132 charleston - laurens place 23,447,500188 charleston - lawton bluff 8702,66363 charleston - legares 11,093,5001183 charleston - lenevar 1789,00028 north charleston - liberty hill 2325,000360 charleston - lighthouse point 31,158,30046 charleston - long branch on the creek 2650,0002 charleston - longbranch 2442,000104 charleston - lowndes pointe 12,095,000245 charleston - lynwood 2587,50039 charleston - lynwood villas 1349,9001 M charleston - magnolia 1595,00049 north charleston - magnolia pointe 3404,327112 charleston - magnolia ranch 2582,00042 charleston - magwood 11,250,000289 charleston - marlborough 1849,00040 charleston - marsh cove 2499,50022 north charleston - marsh hall 1449,000163 charleston - maryville 2264,95042 charleston - mccalls corner 3607,96784 charleston - mcintyre 1199,00096 charleston - meadow lawn 1429,900271 charleston - melrose 3646,33387 charleston - melrose park townhomes 4174,62550 charleston - memminger hall 2447,00023 charleston - mepkin place 1219,000118 charleston - meridian place 4378,75042 north charleston - midland park 6279,13388 charleston - midtown 11,150,0005 charleston - mira vista 5384,40034 north charleston - mixson 5484,98067 charleston - moreland 3933,00068 charleston - morris square 1918,00096 charleston - myrtle grove 2449,00066 N north charleston - nafair addition 1225,000161 north charleston - north cameron terrace 2707,500106 charleston - north central 19945,40569 charleston - north charleston 1150,00055 north charleston - north charleston 14662,44379 charleston - northbridge terrace 3765,00055 charleston - northbridge village 1680,000132 north charleston - northwood estates 2317,50043 O charleston - oak bluff 20800,135193 north charleston - oak bluff 5230,97544 north charleston - oak grove 2303,75084 charleston - oak island 31,492,667143 north charleston - oak leaf estates 2171,000128 north charleston - oak terrace preserve 2532,50065 charleston - oak view park 2260,00035 charleston - oakcrest 3632,50094 charleston - oakland 4409,50076 north charleston - oakwood estates 1714,90022 charleston - ocean neighbors 2572,45044 charleston - oceanview 1915,00074 charleston - old orchard 1549,50041 charleston - old towne acres 1459,50075 charleston - old towne villas 1319,00027 charleston - one cool blow 1350,00020 charleston - orange grove 1325,000394 charleston - orange grove estates 4530,000123 charleston - orleans estates 1475,0004 charleston - orleans woods 4377,25099 charleston - osprey cove 1299,90058 charleston - otranto 12,300,00023 north charleston - otranto club villas 3179,50052 charleston - outside of horry & georgetown counties 1915,00043 P charleston - palmetto pointe 2984,50076 charleston - palmettos at folly 1400,00034 north charleston - park circle 29635,17681 north charleston - park circle station 1470,00022 charleston - park place 1399,00098 charleston - parkdale 2362,50087 charleston - parkshore 3797,66764 charleston - parkwood estates 1749,00027 charleston - parrot creek 1999,98751 charleston - parsonage point 3252,333199 north charleston - patriot park 6337,82518 charleston - pebble estates 1549,00089 charleston - pecan grove 2666,25066 charleston - pelican pointe villas 2429,45097 north charleston - pepperdam offic park 1285,00054 north charleston - pepperhill 14296,16486 charleston - pepperidge 1275,00040 north charleston - pepperidge 1290,00041 charleston - perreyclear pointe 1246,30031 charleston - pierpont 91,038,000331 charleston - pinecrest gardens 2599,45056 charleston - pinefield 1989,800511 north charleston - pinewood vista 2299,90081 charleston - point hope 2976,950175 charleston - point james 1293,313105 charleston - ponderosa 3419,89233 charleston - providence commons 1550,0004 Q charleston - queensborough 3509,667128 R charleston - radcliffe place 2326,90028 charleston - radcliffe square 1795,000120 charleston - radcliffeborough 131,696,46284 north charleston - red oak 1360,00075 charleston - red top 11,900,000583 charleston - regatta on james island 5336,50070 north charleston - reverie on the ashley 2660,00060 charleston - ripley cove 1835,000116 north charleston - riverbend 1345,000190 charleston - riverfront 1699,90023 charleston - riverland place 1525,00026 charleston - riverland terrace 81,049,87576 charleston - rivers bend 1285,0006 north charleston - rivers bend 1249,0001 charleston - rivers point row 2271,95049 charleston - riverside 11,399,00015 charleston - romney village 1375,00016 charleston - rosemont 2131,50035 charleston - rotherwood estates 2563,00042 charleston - royal 1265,000136 S charleston - sable on the marsh 2551,500148 charleston - sandhurst 1749,00092 charleston - schieveling plantation 1595,50025 charleston - seagate village 4374,725102 charleston - seaside plantation 5734,98024 charleston - secessionville 2824,500315 charleston - shadowmoss 21565,901107 charleston - shaftesbury 2260,00024 charleston - shellring at st thomas island 1750,00071 charleston - sherwood forest 3405,66778 charleston - silver hill 1605,0005 charleston - sol legare 2382,000137 charleston - south of broad 263,625,692135 charleston - south riverview 1355,000132 charleston - south windermere 71,065,35742 charleston - springfield 5388,78077 charleston - st thomas point 1878,00085 charleston - st thomas preserve 1965,00057 charleston - st. andrews heights 1525,00036 charleston - st. michaels place 11,625,00033 charleston - st. thomas island 2692,50056 north charleston - station view 1135,000525 charleston - stiles point 3800,33337 charleston - stiles point plantation 32,440,00020 charleston - stone gate 41,173,50073 charleston - stonefield 1601,99982 charleston - stono park 1615,00069 charleston - stono shores 1465,000105 charleston - stono terrace 2857,50072 north charleston - summerfield 2312,45059 north charleston - summers bend on the ashley 7282,42871 north charleston - sunrise heights 2148,49522 charleston - sylcope 1535,00047 charleston - sylvan shores 3620,30086 T north charleston - taylor plantation 3484,96760 charleston - terrabrook 1815,00020 charleston - the bluffs at pinefield 6569,990133 charleston - the bristol 1950,00022 charleston - the colony at heron reserve 1275,00031 charleston - the cove at martins creek 2925,00086 charleston - the crescent 44,068,75093 charleston - the harborage at ashley marina 3257,833174 north charleston - the lakes 3248,333144 north charleston - the lakes at northwoods 3230,00093 charleston - the landings 1440,00012 charleston - the marshes at cooper river 4494,50050 charleston - the palmettos at folly 1450,000118 north charleston - the park at rivers edge 15309,06084 charleston - the peninsula 9461,32251 charleston - the peninsula condominiums 6285,55097 charleston - the pointe at rhodes crossing 1555,55582 charleston - the ponderosa 3394,63358 charleston - the preserve at the clam farm 1775,0006 north charleston - the refuge at whitehall 4765,22567 charleston - the retreat at riverland 7415,42998 north charleston - the riverway 1164,99961 north charleston - the riverway at aichele terrace 4187,75095 charleston - the settlement 91,443,284237 charleston - the slips at ripley 5117,500212 charleston - turkey pen 1250,0003023 U north charleston - union heights 11263,264186 north charleston - university park 9163,00090 charleston - university place 2332,500316 charleston - uptown 11,000,000348 V charleston - verdier pointe 40486,978116 charleston - village green 5465,98019 north charleston - villas at charleston park 1322,90061 north charleston - vista park 2185,000132 north charleston - vistiana 1274,90065 W charleston - wagener terrace 161,254,42565 north charleston - walk at park circle 2669,9002 charleston - wando village 171,779,81652 north charleston - wando woods 7576,55790 charleston - wappoo creek place 1845,00098 charleston - wappoo heights 2837,50059 charleston - wappoo landing 1775,000202 charleston - wappoo shores 2775,00051 charleston - waterfront plantation 21,475,000190 charleston - waterfront point 11,249,99955 north charleston - waylyn 20269,43273 charleston - west ashley plantation 3586,46669 north charleston - west cameron terrace 1735,0008 charleston - west oak forest 1549,40069 charleston - west park 1395,00086 charleston - west point 1285,00089 charleston - westchester 5510,78062 charleston - westover 1414,90061 charleston - westside 11980,60980 charleston - westwood 2712,00067 charleston - wexford sound 2622,000126 north charleston - whipper barony 2337,50010 north charleston - whitehall 7420,59977 charleston - whitehouse plantation 2725,00013 north charleston - whitfield on the ashley 1225,00059 north charleston - wildwood 2234,40069 north charleston - willow bend 1329,00078 charleston - willow place 1420,00068 charleston - willow walk 2509,50058 charleston - windermere 51,246,98052 north charleston - windsor crossing 42399,434127 charleston - windsor hill 1328,90052 north charleston - windsor hill 2330,00055 north charleston - windsor place 2130,000369 north charleston - woodhill place 4184,97587 north charleston - woodington 3363,33338 charleston - woodland shores 2915,500123 charleston - woodlands 3480,000107 charleston - woodward pointe 1989,90079 Y charleston - yellow house place 4270,00081 2 charleston - 254 seven farms drive 3434,66768