MLS Listings Data
Total Listings: | 1 |
Average Price: | $425,000 |
Highest Listing Price: | $425,000 |
Average Days On Market: | 385 |
Average Price/SqFt: | - |
Mccalls corner subdivision James Island SC has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes for sale Mccalls corner have an avg list price of $425,000 ranging in price from $425,000 to $425,000. The avg size property in Mccalls corner is 0 sq ft. Largest in the neighborhood for sale is 0 sqft & smallest 0 sqft. See homes for sale Mccalls corner James Island SC by price, bedrooms, size, age, time on MLS, date listed, street & type. Contact Mccalls corner agent for showings or listing appointments. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).
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$ 425,000
Please call for more information on zoning and access off of Folly. Highest and best use is commercial, but will consider residential. Conveniently located on corner of Wilton and Folly Road across from Walmart. Perfect location for office with apartment attached. Room for parking. No need to cut sidewalk to access from Folly. Access is from Wilton. More than half acre of flat land with few trees to clear and no wetlands. .002 Flood Zone. Use the whole half acre!! There is a fence on one side. Across Wilton is a tri-plex which is located in Charleston. This lot is in the Town of James Island. May apply to Town of James Island to change zoning to multi-family.
$ 425,000
Details View details Lot/Home Site Size - 0.5200 Acres