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MLS Listings Data

Total Listings:1
Average Price:$115,000
Highest Listing Price:$115,000
Average Days On Market:113
Average Price/SqFt:$116

Bohicket marina subdivision Johns Island SC has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes for sale Bohicket marina have an avg list price of $115,000 ranging in price from $115,000 to $115,000. The avg size property in Bohicket marina is 990 sq ft. Largest in the neighborhood for sale is 990 sqft & smallest 990 sqft. See homes for sale Bohicket marina Johns Island SC by price, bedrooms, size, age, time on MLS, date listed, street & type. Contact Bohicket marina agent for showings or listing appointments. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).

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Number of MLS Listings 1 - 1 of 1

There currently are no active homes for sale.
This is the only 50' slip for sale at Bohicket Marina. It will work for up to 57.5 foot boats as a 15% overage is allowed. The slip has full length finger piers on both sides, dock box storage, electricity, water, and internet. Home to some of the most beautiful sunsets anywhere, Bohicket Marina offers quick access to the Edisto River and the ocean. Just down the boardwalk, you'll find restaurants and a Marina Ship Store. Also less than a half mile away Freshfields offers shopping, numerous restaurants as well as a grocery store.
View details Beds - Baths - 0 Sqft - 990

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