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MLS Listings Data

Total Listings:1
Average Price:$3,800,000
Highest Listing Price:$3,800,000
Average Days On Market:272
Average Price/SqFt:-

Walnut hill subdivision Johns Island SC has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes for sale Walnut hill have an avg list price of $3,800,000 ranging in price from $3,800,000 to $3,800,000. The avg size property in Walnut hill is 0 sq ft. Largest in the neighborhood for sale is 0 sqft & smallest 0 sqft. See homes for sale Walnut hill Johns Island SC by price, bedrooms, size, age, time on MLS, date listed, street & type. Contact Walnut hill agent for showings or listing appointments. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).

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Number of MLS Listings 1 - 1 of 1

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Endless future opportunities are now being offered with Walnut Hill. Having been in the family for five generations, take advantage of the encroaching developments of Kiawah River and Oak Point Golf Course. The property consists of 32.86 acres and 1,250 feet of Betsy Kerrison Parkway frontage and is located at the head waters of Abbapoola Creek. Please reach out for more details.
View details Lot/Home Site Size - 32.8600 Acres

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