MLS Listings Data
Total Listings: | 1 |
Average Price: | $164,600 |
Highest Listing Price: | $164,600 |
Average Days On Market: | 238 |
Average Price/SqFt: | - |
Long Creek SC has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes for sale in Long creek have an average list price of $164,600 ranging in price from $164,600 to $164,600. The average size property in Long Creek SC is 0 square feet. Largest for sale being 0 sqft and smallest 0 sqft. View houses listings by price, street, subdivision, age, property type, location, features, size, and listing date time on MLS with avg of 238 days on the market. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).
What's YOUR Home Worth?
8.23 acres with road frontage and large timber. Frontage on Shoulder Bone Creek. Unrestricted and great homesites. This land is in the Golden Corner of SC. It is close to Sumpter National Forest and minutes from trout fishing, white water rapids, hiking trails, and waterfalls.
$ 164,600
Details View details Lot/Home Site Size - 8.2300 Acres
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