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MLS Listings Data

Total Listings:1
Average Price:$214,250
Highest Listing Price:$214,250
Average Days On Market:83
Average Price/SqFt:-

Boyle plantation subdivision Summerville SC has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes for sale Boyle plantation have an avg list price of $214,250 ranging in price from $214,250 to $214,250. The avg size property in Boyle plantation is 0 sq ft. Largest in the neighborhood for sale is 0 sqft & smallest 0 sqft. See homes for sale Boyle plantation Summerville SC by price, bedrooms, size, age, time on MLS, date listed, street & type. Contact Boyle plantation agent for showings or listing appointments. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).

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Number of MLS Listings 1 - 1 of 1

GET EXCITED!!! The perfect building lot in an Established Private Gated Community. This property will check off all the boxes for your new home. A Big lot with good size highlands, a cleared potion perfect to build with a small portion of wetlands containing a grove of hardwood trees with beautiful wildlife. The total property is just UNDER 2.5 acres. A Great School District: Dorchester 2 Schools with Ashley Ridge High School less than a mile away. Get ready for those Friday Night Lights Supporting your Ashley Ridge Swamp Foxes. We have the Septic Permit in Hand. The community is almost completely built out. This being one of the few lots left to build on. Our HOA and ARB are easy to communicate with connecting through the community website.
View details Lot/Home Site Size - 2.4200 Acres

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