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MLS Listings Data

Total Listings:1
Average Price:$160,000
Highest Listing Price:$160,000
Average Days On Market:1006
Average Price/SqFt:-

Home for sale Woodruff SC 29388-2118 zip code has one properties for sale on MLS. Homes, lots, and condos for sale 29388-2118 have an avg list price of $160,000 with $160,000 to $160,000. The avg size property in 29388-2118 Woodruff zip code is 0 sq ft. The largest is 0 sqft & smallest 0 sqft. Contact agent for Woodruff SC in zip code 29388-2118. Houses for sale 29388-2118 by price, number of bedrooms, size, age, time on MLS, date listed, street & type. View property listings all over South Carolina here by all major markets: Lowcountry, Midlands, Upstate & Pee Dee (Grand Strand).

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Number of MLS Listings 1 - 1 of 1

Excellent visibility and road frontage site for an office building or Daycare/Learning Center. Zoned C-3 Commercial in the City of Woodruff. Nice level triangular shaped lot with several Pecan trees and 299' of frontage on S. Main Street and 335' of frontage on Hwy 221. Centrally located between the Food Lion Shopping Center and Woodruff High School. This site sits almost diagonally across the street from Zaxby's Restaurant across the railroad tracks. All utilities are available.
View details Lot/Home Site Size - 0.5100 Acres

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